Making Friends in Online School: A Story of Two Connections Academy Besties
by Valerie Kirk
byConnections Academy
5 min to readWhile most back-to-school checklists typically include pencils, erasers, and notebooks, online school families are also working to set up a home classroom space to prepare their student for a successful school year.
Although every day is a little different in online school, students spend a good part of each school day completing lessons and attending virtual classes. It’s important to design a learning space that is not only comfortable, but inspires their creativity, helps them stay focused, has the right supplies, is appropriate for many types of learning activities, and is uniquely theirs.
Whether your student is just transitioning to online school or they’re a veteran of virtual learning, here are some at-home classroom ideas to help you create a fun home classroom for your online student.
One of the key things to consider as you set up a home classroom is how much space you have. Don’t worry if you don’t have a lot of space; you can still create an organized and inspiring home classroom by getting creative.
Your home classroom doesn’t even have to be a dedicated room; it can be a desk placed in the corner, under a lofted bed, or even in a closet. To avoid clutter that can serve as a distraction, keep books and supplies neatly put away in desk drawers or unused cabinets to help stay organized.
When you’re setting up classroom ideas for virtual school at home, remember it’s okay to move around through the day. Using different areas of your space for different subjects invites creativity. You can even complete lessons outside, which offers the added benefits of experiential learning opportunities.
If you do have more than one student or are part of a learning pod with other online students, allow enough space so they can work without bumping elbows. If you don’t have a work surface that is large enough, a sturdy folding table that can be put away after online school is done for the day will do the trick.
One thing to consider when setting up your classroom at home is how much natural light the space receives. Sunlight affects students’ general emotional and physical well-being, which can positively influence their ability to learn. It can also combat the effects of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and can improve your student’s overall mental health. One note of caution: when positioning your student's computer monitor, be sure to check for sun glare against the screen.
Choose a place with minimal distractions. Studying by the front door or next to a busy laundry room may not be ideal for your student—but repurposing an attic, spare bedroom, or seldom-used dining room may work nicely.
If a high-traffic area for your home classroom is your only option, consider investing in a portable room divider to limit visual distractions and help your student focus.
As you gather home classroom ideas in preparation for your student going back to online school, check that their computer has the latest software updates. If you are using a laptop, consider investing in a computer monitor to help avoid neck and eye strain. Hooking your student’s computer up to a second monitor allows them to see multiple screens at once, enabling them to work efficiently while taking notes, writing papers, and much more.
Equipping your home classroom with a printer can boost productivity. Some students may find it easier to do or keep track of assignments on paper. Having a printer also helps when doing crafts and other hands-on learning projects.
You may even consider adding a smart television or tablet to your home classroom setup. Although TV can be a distraction, viewing online lessons on a separate screen may increase your student’s engagement. You can also use a television to play educational videos for your child as an additional learning resource. Just be sure your student understands that during the online school day, the TV is off-limits unless it's for educational use!
Although the furniture you choose to include in your classroom at home will be determined by the area's space and your budget, be sure to consider ergonomics as well. For comfort and to promote good posture, furniture should fit your child now and be adjustable to allow for growth. Some online school students find stand-up desks to be a great, flexible choice for this reason.
If you have a limited area, consider furniture that can serve multiple functions or as storage pieces that can be rolled into a closet. Another excellent choice is furniture that is designed with a small "footprint" because it uses vertical space, such as a combined desk and bookshelf
Once you choose your home classroom space, gather more at-home classroom ideas to personalize it for your student so they feel comfortable and excited to learn. If you have a corkboard, add motivational messages that inspire them and help them know you are there for them on their online learning journey. Add other personal items, such as awards or certificates they received.
Color choice is another way to personalize your classroom at home. Color psychology can make a big impact on your child’s learning experience. Consider these paint colors:
While it is important for online students to have a home classroom space, remember that one of the wonderful advantages of virtual school is that students have the flexibility to learn while gathered around the kitchen table—or while on the road! With an imaginative approach and organization skills, your student will embrace their online learning journey.
For more tips on setting up your home classroom, here are mistakes to avoid when creating your student’s learning environment.