Most subjective testing involves observing your child and looking for markers of them being a gifted student. Some characteristics include:
Exceptional talent
Insatiable curiosity marked by asking numerous questions
Desire to explore issues in surprising depth and with a sharp focus
Extreme mental quickness and ability to absorb knowledge
Prodigious emotional maturity
Extensive vocabulary
Ability to self-teach new skills
Unexpected quirkiness, imagination, and/or sense of humor
In addition to these characteristics, some gifted students may submit work that seems above their grade level. However, parents should be aware that gifted students may also become bored with curriculum, and this boredom may manifest as not paying attention in class, turning in work that is not reflective of their intellectual abilities, and becoming reluctant learners.
In addition to looking for the above characteristics, the National Association for Gifted Children suggests that parents and instructors work collaboratively to conduct interviews with the child and construct portfolios of the student’s work to determine if the child demonstrates giftedness.