Summer school is not just for students who need to recover course credits due to absences or low academic performance. It can also be a way for students to learn about topics that they don’t have time to pursue during the school year. Summer school can also allow gifted students to get ahead in their coursework, which is useful if they want to take advanced courses during the school year, or if they want to get a head start on college coursework.
For example, there are dual enrollment programs available that allow high school students to earn high school and college credits simultaneously. These programs, and summer school in general, are particularly good for students who want to be intellectually engaged during the summer or who are naturally curious about the world. Learning doesn’t have to stop just because it’s summertime!
Also, there are summer school programs, such as Pearson Online Academy’s affordable online courses, that allow students to get ahead in their coursework. Further, many colleges and K-12 schools offer summer school programs that speak to specific topics such as math camp, art, and creative writing classes.