Suicide Prevention: How to Become an Advocate for Mental Health and Help Prevent Suicide

7 min to read
A father in conversation with his teenage son on a park bench.

Suicide is such a sensitive topic—especially when talking about it with those we love—that sometimes it’s avoided altogether. Having a conversation about mental health or suicide can bring up difficult emotions and requires a lot of courage. But for many, it can mean the difference between life and death.

As a parent, caretaker and/or Learning Coach, stepping into the role of mental health advocate and discussing suicide and mental health openly and honestly while providing a judgment-free zone can create new possibilities for your family, your children’s well-being, and the relationships you’re building together. 

What Is a Mental Health Advocate?

Becoming a mental health advocate doesn’t require a formal process, and you don’t need any special qualifications. It simply means that you show up in the world and take actions to promote mental health. This can look like:

  • Sharing your own story and struggles with your children, family, and friends. 
  • Educating yourself on the topic of mental health and educating others to reduce the mental health stigma. 
  • Participating in mental health fundraising, volunteering for related events, and recruiting others to participate. 
  • Becoming involved in policies that directly impact mental health and well-being. 
  • Initiate conversations with others about mental health and suicide.

As a mental health advocate, you can contribute to a growing awareness of mental health and help reduce stigmas surrounding it. By sharing your own experiences and taking action, you can become part of the solution and help bring sensitive topics out of the dark and into the light. 

While there are many ways to become involved as an advocate, it’s crucial to know that human connection is at the heart of mental health—and real change starts in the home. 

A parent being a mental health advocate.

Mental Health at Home

While statistics on the subject can be grim, it’s important for parents and caregivers to be aware that, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, between 11 and 15% of all total suicides from 2011 to 2020 were under the age of 26 included ages 15 and under. 

One way to improve these statistics and become a mental health advocate is to strengthen mental health conversations at home. Here are some tips that can help you stay calm during the toughest conversations and create a judgment-free zone where mental health issues can be faced together.

Become aware of warning signs.

One of the most important factors in preventing self-harm and suicide is to recognize the warning signs. Here’s a short list of some common warning signs that your child’s mental health may be suffering:

  • Avoiding social engagements they once enjoyed. 
  • A recent increase in drug or alcohol use. 
  • Mood swings that may include anger, sadness, or withdrawal.
  • A recent lack of motivation or energy. 
  • Having thoughts of suicide, hopelessness, or like there’s no point to life.

While these common warning signs can be an indicator, it’s also vital to recognize warning signs that are unique to the individual. Ask your child, “How do you know when you’re struggling? What thoughts, sensations, or behaviors do you notice?” For example, they might reveal that when they’re struggling, they tend to feel tightness in their chest, isolate themselves in their room more often, and have negative thoughts about themselves or others. The more aware students are of their own warning signs, the more equipped they will be to reach out for help when they notice them. 

And, even if there are no specific warning signs, it’s still important to start the conversation. As a parent or caregiver, you are an expert on your child. If you feel like something is off, don’t be afraid to ask questions, reach out, or take appropriate action.  

Opening the conversation.

Starting a conversation about mental health with your child might reveal more than you were emotionally ready for, but keep in mind that bringing tough topics into the open can ultimately transform solitary suffering into a sense of relief and hope. Each day, ask your child how they’re feeling. Do they occasionally feel sad, or do they feel sad every day? Are they stressed? Do they often feel worried or fearful? How do they feel about their family life? Are they satisfied with their friendships? 

Avoid judgment. Even if your heart is pounding and you feel devastated by what they reveal, don’t react to what they tell you. Just being present and listening shows genuine concern and can make a huge difference for your child. Let them know you love them, that you’re there for them, and that you care about their happiness. 

Many tweens and teens have treasures and keepsakes that are important to them. It’s a red flag when they start giving those things away. They may do this because they know they will no longer need them, or they want those things remembered and protected after they are gone.  

Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions.

If your child reveals they are feeling depressed, engaging in self-harm, or have been exhibiting warning signs, ask them directly if they have been thinking about taking their life. It’s a difficult question to ask but doing so can provide an invitation for them to finally talk about it if they are too afraid to bring it up on their own. Rest assured that when asking these questions, you can’t “implant” ideas into your child’s mind. If their answer is yes, their answer is yes. If their answer is no, simply asking the question will not later turn their answer into a yes.

Some suggestions for dialogue include: 

  • “Are you thinking about suicide?” 

  • “It sounds like you’ve been dealing with a lot lately. Does it ever get so tough that you think about ending your life?” “Have you thought about how you would do it? (Have you made a plan?)” 

  • “When do you feel the most pain?” 

  • “What happens before that leads to you thinking about suicide?” 

  • “What have you done in the past to stop you from making an attempt?”

Naturally, every parent or caregiver hopes that the answer to this question will be an honest no, but if they do answer yes, try to maintain composure. In that moment, let them know how much they mean to you, and again, avoid reacting or responding with judgment. Presence and empathy are key. Take it seriously. Remain calm. Thank them for their honesty and openness. Encourage them to talk about the reasons they feel this way and listen.

The most important action you can take is to listen…really listen. Talk to them about getting help and reassure them that you will be there in any way that they need you. A youth who is having thoughts about suicide, especially if they have a plan, needs to be evaluated by a mental health professional with training in suicide prevention. Do not leave your child alone if they are in crisis and have a suicide completion plan. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a local crisis center, a mental health professional, the local hospital emergency room or your family doctor as soon as possible. Your child’s school counselor can also provide a variety of supports and help keep your child safe, so you are encouraged to engage the school.

If the answer is no, you should continue to monitor your child. Encourage them to talk about how they are feeling, regardless, and to reach out to resources such as the Suicide Prevention Lifeline if they are struggling. Remember that you are there for them. Also, be vigilant about the behaviors you are noticing and continue to check in with them on a regular basis. 

Identify stressors and solutions.

Ask your child directly if there is anything in their life that is contributing to their stress or unhappiness. Perhaps they’re feeling a lot of pressure, experiencing online bullying, or feeling disconnected from family and friends.

Once these issues are identified, brainstorm together ways to improve the circumstances. This may look like taking a break from football or dance practice, going to counseling, blocking online bullies, and spending more time together as a family to do activities they enjoy. The important thing during this step is to let them take the lead instead of telling them what they should or shouldn’t do to improve their circumstances, or how they should or shouldn’t feel about those circumstances. 

A family supporting mental health.

Develop a plan for worst-case scenarios.

Talk to your child about what they can do to notice their own warning signs and how to know when to reach out for help. Suggest they keep a daily journal to keep track of how they’re feeling and ask them who they would be willing to reach out to when they notice signs that they’re struggling. Along with personal contacts, keep the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number—988—in a visible place. 

The hotline can be used by anyone who is suicidal. The lifeline also provides guidance and resources to those who have a struggling loved one. Post the 988 number on your refrigerator, the bathroom mirror, and anywhere that’s visible to your family.

If your child is struggling with suicidal ideation, you should not try to handle this on your own. Reach out to mental health resources immediately to help your child develop strategies to cope with their intense feelings and to create a treatment plan. 

In addition to having a safety plan, make sure your home is a safe place. Keep prescription medications and alcohol in a locked cabinet accessible only to you, ensure weapons (especially firearms) are locked away, unloaded, and inaccessible. Remove all means and methods of self-harm. As the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry. 

Seek support and self-care.

Knowing your child is struggling is a difficult position to be in. Some may be surprised to learn that advocating for yourself is one of the best ways to advocate for mental health. Offer yourself the same presence and support that you provide for your children. Confide in close friends, seek professional guidance or counseling, and carve some time out each week to do things that help you restore and care for yourself. Caring for yourself not only sets a positive example, but also helps you recharge so you can fully be there for others when they need you. 

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