Great for: Students with an interest in developing professional business skills within fields such as marketing, IT, social media, development, HR, graphic design, website development, coding, and more
Community Service Type: Virtual
Catchafire is a volunteer search tool on a mission to mobilize the world’s talent for good and is exclusively for online volunteer projects. Each one has a timeline that can range anywhere from an hour to a few weeks.
Whether your high school student is looking for a few online volunteer hours or an extensive community service project, they can help various organizations with tasks like running their social media accounts, editing photos, writing thank-you letters, and more.
The high school volunteer opportunities available on Catchafire are particularly valuable for seniors looking to make an impact while getting on-the-job experience. Online community service projects where your students can make an impact for an organization while testing out a potential career path are great ways to get volunteer hours and bolster their resume simultaneously.