Connections Academy Online Clubs: Kindness Club
by Valerie Kirk
byConnections Academy
6 min to readParents are giving an A+ across the board in their Connections Academy® reviews, praising the student-focused, tuition-free online public school for improving their kids’ grades, sparking a passion for lifelong learning, and motivating them to achieve their academic, social, and personal growth goals.
And while the parents gave enthusiastic credit to their students’ online teachers, their role as Learning Coaches was pivotal in guiding their kids to achieve their full learning and growth potential.
“In the beginning [kindergarten], I had to help her daily as her Learning Coach. Every year, she would take a little more responsibility and initiative to complete her lessons. By the time she was starting high school, she was completely independent,” Shelly Pettis wrote in her online K–12 school review regarding her daughter’s educational journey as a Connections Academy student.
Moreover, Pettis said her daughter “has built amazing relationships with her teachers over the years” and “made many friends at school, getting to know classmates through live lessons and field trips, and also friends in other states through Connections Academy clubs.”
Learning Coaches, Connections Academy educators and professional staff, as well as the commitment of the students, are the engine that supports academic achievement, refines social skills, and enriches emotional well-being, according to our online school reviews.
And communication brings it all together.
Strong relationships are the foundation of online learning success. It enables collaboration among students, their Learning Coaches, and Connections Academy at any stage of the educational journey, from enrollment and technical support to academic and counseling experience.
Erin McCoy’s son had a special-needs Individualized Education Plan (IEP) at the public school he attended before transferring to Florida Connections Academy. She said of her family’s experience that “the educators, therapists, and contractors at Florida Connections Academy (FCA) have been exceptional. Our prior school included us in IEP meetings and sent home progress reports, but FCA has truly made me feel like part of the team. … they have listened to my questions/concerns and acted on them, [and] he has made so much progress this year it’s remarkable.”
“Some kids work better in the morning and others after they relax a little. Some might even be night owls,” Learning Coach Tracy J. wrote in her online course testimonial. “It’s OK to let them work at their best time!”
While the curriculum is rigorous, structured, and accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, Learning Coaches credit Connection Academy’s daily scheduling flexibility as a top reason they chose this particular tuition-free online public school over the traditional in-classroom institutions.
Moreover, Connection Academy’s dynamic, online curriculum lets students speed up the pace for lessons they understand easily and take more time to understand topics that require more study to master.
Given the flexibility to study at their own pace, highly motivated and academically driven students can accelerate their educational progress with excellent results.
In one parent’s Connections Academy review, Amoe Charbonneau said the curriculum offers advanced classes that allow students to fast-track the educational experience for gifted students.
“He [a Connections Academy student] also likes the idea of dual enrollment once he reaches the high school level so that he can be working on his associate’s degree while still in high school,”
Charbonneau wrote. Connections Academy teachers and professional staff also work closely with gifted and talented students to stoke their enthusiasm and determination to achieve, help them set goals, and assist with college prep and applications.
Online education’s flexibility also enables parents of special needs students to customize a virtual school environment and manage their socialization to align with their interests, values, and challenges.
Learning in an at-home setting is free of distractions that can interfere with students’ concentration, and online Learning Coaches have the flexibility to plan, supervise, and limit time spent with other students. That is particularly important for kids who need extra support due to social, emotional, or developmental issues.
Megan Yohe’s son, for instance, has autism, which made it difficult for him to participate in classroom academics and social activities. Before enrolling in Connections Academy, his teachers started sending all his schoolwork home with him with directions to return it the next day, causing him only to be in the classroom for a few hours a day. The teachers also wanted to medicate his emotional issues; Ms. Yohe refused to do so.
Since starting Connections Academy, she wrote in her online school review, “my son has no anxiety, has not missed a single day. He has flourished and is doing things he never would have [done] in public school.”
Despite persistent claims that online education isolates students, online learners at Connections Academy experience the chance to develop a sense of independence that instead enriches their social skills. Kids today are digital natives and capable of developing friends, interacting with teachers—especially when asking for help—and going from virtual to in-person interactions seamlessly.
“One thing that surprised me about online school was how much fun it can be. You actually get to go on field trips and meet other students just like you,” Heather H. noted in her review of Connections Academy online schooling.
Connections Academy also offers an online resource library with authoritative insights and strategies for building self-esteem, encouraging volunteerism, managing stress, participating in online clubs and extracurricular activities, and more.
"Even with an online school schedule, it left a lot of time for hobbies, extra classes like dance and yoga, [and] after-school activities. Online schooling is so much less stressful,” Connections Academy parent Susan W. wrote in her review.
Parents of more than 100,000 K–12 students in 31 states trust Connections Academy to expand the ways their children learn, ignite their passions, and help them gain the life skills they need to thrive in the modern world.
Moving a child from a classroom to online schooling might seem daunting, but Teresa I. advises, “Don’t stress! You and your child are both learning something new. Instead of telling them what to do and how to do it, look over what needs to be done with your child and make a plan together on how to get there.”
Learn how Connections Academy’s 20 years of experience in online education can help improve your student’s academic performance, social development, and personal growth.