In traditional schools, students have a set daily routine. They are expected to arrive at school on time, complete schoolwork while in class, and conclude learning when the bell rings. Although there are often no other scheduling options outside of that set structure in traditional schools, online school offers endless opportunities for flexibility.
At Connections Academy, students choose their own schedules with the help of their Learning Coach. While parents have little to no input in a traditional school’s daily schedule, Connections Academy families can arrange their online student’s schedule to fit personal interests, learning preferences, and family needs.
For example, some learners benefit from flex time where they take 15-minute breaks to reset before beginning their next lesson. Incorporating these types of brain breaks into the school day helps students focus and avoid overload.
Alternatively, Learning Coaches could create a block schedule where students stay focused on one topic for a longer time span. With a block schedule, online learners complete multiple lessons for one course all at once, allowing them to learn in a way that’s beneficial to them.
Small adjustments like schedule alterations can make all the difference in improving your child’s ability to achieve academic success. Through flexible scheduling, families and students enjoy the freedom of online learning without needing to worry if lack of traditional structure will impact their education.