Creative activities, such as making art or engaging in music, can help students to develop their problem-solving skills and creativity while giving their brains a study break. It’s like using your muscles—to give one muscle a break, you work out your other muscles.
The creative activity can be tied to other lessons in school, can be of the student’s own creation, or can be part of a hobby that the student enjoys. Some study break ideas that involve creativity include painting, sculpting, making origami, and cooking.
Studying for hours and hours without taking a break can lead to cognitive fatigue that is often demotivating and can have an adverse effect on studying. By taking productive study breaks, your student can still have fun while refreshing their mind, body, and soul. Healthy study breaks can even be used as part of a reward system to motivate your student to push through tough subjects. Whatever study breaks you and your student choose, remember to consider your student’s schedule, goals, and personality.