Online school newbies can learn a lot from families experienced with online school. If the new online school offers in-person field trips or other events, try to attend and make these valuable connections. Or ask about online ways for parents to connect. Whether caregivers and Learning Coaches need practical tips, encouragement, or just a listening ear, an experienced online school family can help.
As families focus on helping their student get back on track in their schoolwork, keep in mind that every family experiences a period of adjustment while starting a virtual online school. It’s perfectly normal to have questions or to feel a bit overwhelmed when first transferring schools. But with the advice here and by reaching out for help when needed, the rewards of a personalized, online education from home are just around the corner.
To learn how you can be more involved in your student’s education, download our free eGuide or to learn about online private school, visit Pearson Online Academy ’s website.