How Online School Can Help Military Families

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A military mom is helping her son with online school work

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As we celebrate National Veterans and Military Families Month this November, we honor those who served and continue to serve, as well as the children and spouses who stand by their side. Being a military family comes with multiple challenges, but the right support can make a significant difference—support like the kind offered by an online school.    

An online public school like Connections Academy®, or an online private school like Pearson Online Academy, gives military families the flexibility and opportunities they need to find high-quality education for their students. Here are the top advantages:

Virtual Learning Creates More Stability 

On average, military families move once every three years. Traditionally, this has meant that school-aged children of service members have to switch schools frequently. But online K–12 schools are changing that for a number of students.    

At an online school like Connections Academy or Pearson Online Academy, students don’t have to be near a physical classroom to attend school. They can learn from wherever they are. Whether completing assignments on their own, attending a virtual LiveLesson® session, or collaborating with fellow students, all they need is a computer with Internet access.    

This is an advantage for all kinds of students, but particularly for children in military families. Whenever they have to move, their school—and their lessons—can move with them.    

Connections Academy, for example, has online public schools in more than 30 states, while Pearson Online Academy, a private online school, gives students the ability to enroll from anywhere in the nation or world. By not having to disrupt their education so frequently, military children in online school can find more stability in their everyday lives.  

A mother and child exploring the benefits of online school for military families.

Flexible Schedules Create More Opportunities for Connection

Military families have only limited control over their schedules. Whether it’s major disruptions to routines like deployment or just the day-to-day demands of active-duty service, there isn’t a lot of flexibility for families to be together. That’s why having a flexible school schedule can be such a benefit.    

When families choose online school, they gain a significant level of control over the daily and even weekly school schedule. This allows families to arrange classes, study time around family obligations, and gives them more opportunity to be together. If a parent in the military is only available at a certain time, or will only be home for a certain number of days, online school lets families make the most of that time.

Customized Learning Plans Meet Student Needs

The challenges of frequent moves and the deployments of parents can leave children of military families struggling in school unless they receive the right support. A high-quality online school can provide that support.    

For example, Connections Academy sits down with every student and their Learning Coach to develop an individualized learning plan that can address the student’s unique challenges and nurture their strengths. This helps ensure that students enroll in courses that make sense for them and receive the personalized attention they need to thrive in school and prepare for the world ahead—whether they’re considering college or choosing a career to pursue.    

Of course, some children need help with challenges that reach beyond the classroom, such as teens who need help dealing with their emotions. A high-quality online school can provide assistance and guidance in these situations as well. At Connections Academy and Pearson Online Academy, counselors are available to speak with students and their parents about all kinds of issues. Plus, opportunities like virtual student clubs can help students meet others who share their interests and experiences, which can help them navigate difficult times and develop meaningful social interactions.

Parents Get Plenty of Support Along the Way

Not only can online school give children more stability in their education, it can give parents extra support and more day-to-day influence over their children’s learning. The ability to be involved in their children’s education—and thus the opportunity to be there to help their children overcome difficulties and celebrate successes—is one of the many reasons why parents choose  online school.    

That said, parents aren’t left on their own. High-quality online schools provide robust support for parents so they can be successful Learning Coaches. At Connections Academy, parents attend an orientation session before their students even begin their schooling; then they’re supported by an expansive resource center and can join a parent network to learn and exchange tips. And they can always reach out to teachers and staff whenever they have questions or concerns.    

For military parents, the combination of involvement and support provided by an online school is a major advantage. Instead of hoping for the best, they are empowered to ensure their children are receiving the best.

A military dad and his son are celebrating Veterans and Military Families Month.

How Can You Celebrate National Veterans and Military Families Month? 

National Veterans and Military Families Month is about a lot more than school. Initially established as Military Family Appreciation Month by the Armed Services YMCA in 1996 and recognized every year since by Presidential proclamation, the month of November is an opportunity to celebrate our veterans, service members, and their families.     ,

Whether you are a military family or not, you can celebrate this year’s military family month. A few ideas include:  

  • Attending a Veterans Day Parade: These parades are held all over the nation on November 11.    
  • Thanking a veteran: We all know people who’ve served. Take a moment to thank the veterans in your life.    
  • Sending a care package: A number of organizations can help you send a package to troops stationed around the world.    
  • Donating to a nonprofit: Numerous nonprofits exist to help service members and veterans. Donating to one is a great way to show your appreciation.    
  • Taking some time for your family: If you are a military family, use this month to take some time for yourself, whether it’s going on a weekend getaway or simply enjoying a movie night. You’ve earned it!  

Our nation is stronger because of the men and women who serve and have served in our armed forces. This National Veterans and Military Families Month—and every month—we thank them all for their service. We’re proud to have so many military families as part of the Connections Academy and Pearson Online Academy family. To learn more about online school and what it offers, take a look at our article that compares online school to traditional school.  

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