On average, military families move once every three years. Traditionally, this has meant that school-aged children of service members have to switch schools frequently. But online K–12 schools are changing that for a number of students.
At an online school like Connections Academy or Pearson Online Academy, students don’t have to be near a physical classroom to attend school. They can learn from wherever they are. Whether completing assignments on their own, attending a virtual LiveLesson® session, or collaborating with fellow students, all they need is a computer with Internet access.
This is an advantage for all kinds of students, but particularly for children in military families. Whenever they have to move, their school—and their lessons—can move with them.
Connections Academy, for example, has online public schools in more than 30 states, while Pearson Online Academy, a private online school, gives students the ability to enroll from anywhere in the nation or world. By not having to disrupt their education so frequently, military children in online school can find more stability in their everyday lives.