It’s a common misconception that online learning produces a less supportive environment. We believe it “takes a village” to encourage middle schoolers as they navigate this changing life stage. In our curriculum, middle school students remain under the guidance of a counselor or advisory teacher for added support. Going beyond traditional expectations, counselors use an individualized approach to help with each student’s academic, social, and emotional needs. They are caring, trained professionals who help students manage stress, resolve conflicts, and work through tough situations in their personal lives.
Meaningful relationships with teachers are also important. When students are engaged in learning, they feel like they belong and perform better in school. For instance, It was found that Connections Academy students are more academically successful when they believe adults at school care about them. Studies also show that when teachers focus on fostering noncognitive skills, like creativity, it produces more confident, active learners. As a result, we offer support like LiveTutor sessions where online students receive help and build positive student-teacher relationships.