How Do You Know It’s Time to Change Your Child’s School?

4 min to read
Image of a young female student and her mom studying for a class for Connections Academy.

Determining whether it is time for your child to change schools can be a difficult decision. 

When a student asks, “Should I switch schools?” what should families consider? What are the signs that it’s time to transfer? How do you know what struggles may only be temporary and what may be signs of something more? How do you know what options are available?

If your student is experiencing any of these reasons to switch schools, it might be time to consider a different learning environment that better suits their needs.

Your Student Says School Feels Too Easy

If your student complains that their homework is too easy or that they consistently are bored at school, then the curriculum may not be challenging enough.

Investigate if your school has gifted and talented options, Advanced Placement® classes, or even a career offering. If not, then consider searching for other schools that offer advanced courses or customized curriculums.

Your Student Avoids School

Your child may try to avoid school for several reasons like feeling bored, feeling overwhelmed, or maybe because they’re experiencing bullying

Signs of bullying can include feigning sickness so they can stay home, withdrawing from friends and family, mysterious injuries, and failing grades.

If you suspect bullying, consider talking with your child’s teacher and school administration for support. If the situation doesn’t improve, removing your child from that environment may be a good reason to switch schools.

Students may also avoid school because of mental health challenges. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services estimates that about 49% of adolescents have experienced a mental health issue. Some warning signs  may include losing interest in activities they once enjoyed, destructive behavior, avoiding social activities, difficulty eating, poor sleep, and low energy.

If you see any of these warning signs, consult with your child’s healthcare provider and consider asking if transferring to a different school or learning environment would be appropriate.

Your Student Needs More Academic Support

If a student is struggling academically or feeling overwhelmed, they may need additional support. If this sounds like your child, or you suspect that your student may even have a learning disability, they may need more guidance throughout the school day.

First, discuss your concerns with their teacher or guidance counselor to find out what support options are available, such as tutors or educational therapists. If you feel those options cannot meet your student’s needs, then it may be time to look for other schools that can provide one-on-one support for your student.

A student may also need more academic support if they’ve begun to outpace what homeschooling can offer them. They may benefit from opportunities found in a more structured learning environment such as an online public school that offers the flexibility of homeschooling backed by a state-approved curriculum and caring teachers.  

Your Child’s Current School Lacks Scheduling Flexibility

While states have important attendance requirements online students must meet, students may need flexibility within their school days to adjust their schedules based on their needs. These needs could stem from medical challenges, curriculum pacing challenges, sports and hobbies, or family dynamics. If your child’s current school cannot accommodate for this needed flexibility, then it may be time to switch schools.

If a brick-and-mortar school cannot provide the flexibility and accessibility that your student needs, then it may be time to look into programs such as Connections Academy® and other online schools.

Image of a young male Connections Academy student sitting with his dad writing in a notebook.

Is Online School Right for Your Student?

If you’re trying to decide if online school is right for your child, consider taking this quiz: “Is Virtual School Right For My Child?”

You can also explore the four key components that make up the online school experience to see if they would benefit your student. The four key components include teacher support and involvement, your involvement in your child’s education as their Learning Coach, the virtual classroom experience, and peer interaction and socialization opportunities.

Whatever you choose, make sure to have a plan in place so that your child can thrive at their current school or easily transition into a new school or learning environment.

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