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For more information about Texas Connections Academy, give us a call at 1-833-591-0251 or send us a request for information. Our local office address in Texas is also listed below.
Enrollment Support Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. CT
School Leader
Phone 832-598-6085
Manager of State Reporting
Phone 806-391-4823 Email
High School Principal
Phone 346-291-4105 Email
Principal (Grades 3–8)
Phone 512-640-9575 Email
Assistant Principal (Grade 7)
Phone 832-786-9671 Email
Manager of Assessments
Phone 832-780-9204 Email
Assistant Principal (Grade 8)
Phone 832-735-6365 Email
Manager of Special Populations (Special Education, Dyslexia, EL)
Phone 281-241-9756 Email
Assistant Principal (Grades 9–12)
Phone 346-291-4471 Email
Phone 346-291-4198 Email
Phone 512-387-0933 Email
Phone 832-559-0620 Email
Elementary Assistant Principal (Grades 3-6)
Phone 281-829-8440 Email
Advisory, 504 & Counseling Manager
Phone 832-821-8208 Email
Texas Connections Academy @ Houston 10550 Richmond Avenue Suite 140 Houston, TX 77042
Phone 281-661-8293 Fax 281-754-4813 Email
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