Not every school works out for every student. If your child is experiencing academic or social difficulties in their current brick-and-mortar public school, you may be considering switching them to at-home learning. But, should you wait for next school year or can you switch to at-home school mid-year?
While it’s true that you can start at-home schooling at any time, many parents don’t have the necessary resources to start teaching their children at a moment’s notice. Fortunately, there is an at-home schooling option that makes a mid-year transition much more possible for families: public online school.
Public online school is not homeschool. Instead of parents serving as teachers and learning support, online public school functions similarly to brick-and-mortar schools but it’s conducted at home and online, giving parents the best of both worlds! A lot of parents find that a high-quality online public school like Connections Academy® is just as good—if not better—at helping their child thrive both in and out of school. Plus, when it comes to the question of “can you start homeschool in the middle of the year,” online school provides a definitive yes.