What Is a Learning Coach? A Guide to Supporting Online Students
by Connections Academy
byConnections Academy
4 min to readIs your family seeking a more rewarding learning experience for a K–12 student? Consider the many perks of an online private school education. Many students can benefit from switching to online learning in a private college-preparatory school, according to Jodi Mallia and Heather Dear, two former bricks-and-mortar private schoolteachers who currently teach at the online private school Pearson Online Academy .
While attending an online private school, students have the opportunity to learn within a diverse community. Pearson Online Academy is open to families across the U.S. and worldwide, including expats and others living abroad. Through a global online classroom, your student can build international friendships while gaining a wide range of perspectives and ideas.
Jodi: "I feel like I go on a field trip every day. Our students at Pearson Online Academy live all over the world, so a student can be in a lesson at home in the United States with a classmate from [a place like] Indonesia, China, Romania, or Mexico. They get to learn what life is like in other parts of the country or world. That’s not something that a traditional bricks-and-mortar school could offer."
Without a physical classroom to manage, online private school teachers often have more opportunities to help and work with each student individually. Many Pearson Online Academy students tells us that they have developed meaningful relationships with their teachers through one-on-one interaction and support. A high-quality and affordable online private school like Pearson Online Academy will provide plenty of tools—email, real-time online classrooms, and instant messaging—that enable students and teachers to quickly connect.
Heather: "Students really do have the time to build relationships with teachers one-one-one [in online private school]. They can call us at any point when they get stuck or have a question. It’s definitely a huge reward when I work with a student one-on-one over the phone, in a real-time online classroom, or through Skype, and then experience that moment when the concept finally ‘clicks’ for that student."
Jodi: "It can be challenging for teachers [in a physical classroom] to be surrounded by students of all different levels of learning. In an online setting, students can pursuethat one-on-one time with the teacher to get help without the pressure of what their friends are going to think of them."
At an online private school, students learn with modern, engaging technology, in addition to texts. Not only does this enhance their learning experience, but also it's a great way for them to prepare for college and the workforce. With the option to learn whereever there’s an internet connection, Pearson Online Academy students can keep up with school work even if their families relocate to a different state or country. Pearson Online Classroom, the school’s easy-to-use online education management system, provides 24-hour access to courses and a wide range of helpful resources.
Jodi: "It seems that in the [traditional] classroom, the supplies are sometimes still from the 1960s or the ’70s—not always fresh and current. At Pearson Online Academy , we are very up to date and try to make sure that everything the student is seeing is something that they can use in the real word. We try to get them ready for the real world now, versus in a few years."
Teachers in a traditional school are often responsible for extra time-consuming duties, such as lunch moderation and behavior management. In an online private school, teachers can dedicate their time fully to teaching and helping students succeed. Pearson Online Academy teachers regularly reach out to both students and parents to discuss progress and comprehension, answer questions, and help with future career and future goals.
Heather: "The passion behind the desire to see a student succeed is in every single teacher at Pearson Online Academy . If we notice that a student is struggling or reaches out for assistance, we will find a way and time to work with him or her. We will give students the help and tools that they need to succeed at a level that will further their academic progress."
Online private school can be a more personalized, engaging, and supportive option for many students. And parents are able to get a front-row seat to their child’s academic journey!
To learn how you can be more involved in your student’s private school education, visit Pearson Online Academy ’s website.
by Connections Academy
by Connections Academy
by Alyssa Austin