High School
Carson is a high school student who attends Arkansas Connections Academy with his sister, Sheriden. Arkansas Connections Academy has been a great fit for Carson because of his ability to control his schedule. He shares more below:
Why I Chose Arkansas Connections Academy
What interested me in Arkansas Connections Academy was the flexible schedule. I’ve attended public school, and Arkansas Connections Academy is different because it allows me to schedule my classes around other activities that interest me. At my old school, I couldn’t just take a day off.
My Schedule
I normally get my schoolwork done before noon. Afterward, I often go play tennis, ride my mountain bikes and motorcycle, or work on my car. If it’s raining, I’ll go watch a movie or play video games. Sometimes if I’m feeling proactive, I’ll work on my schoolwork for the next day so I can have a day off. Without Arkansas Connections Academy’s flexibility, I would never be able to get this much done on a school day.

My Online Middle School Experience
What I love most about Arkansas Connections Academy is that I’m learning everything that a brick-and-mortar school would teach you, but in a fraction of the time. My favorite subject is social studies, and then it’s a tie between science and language arts. I really like social studies because I enjoy learning about historical events.
My teachers are very nice and helpful with any questions or problems I might have. I have a good relationship with them. My most memorable experience so far was attending state testing this year because I got to see my teachers for the first time in person, after knowing them for two school years.
What I love most about Arkansas Connections Academy is that I’m learning everything that a brick-and-mortar school would teach you, but in a fraction of the time.
— Carson