As a parent or caregiver, you want to be there for your child. When you enroll them in Arkansas Connections Academy, you will be. See how being by their side today will help them go far tomorrow.

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The Role of Learning Coach Inspiring Confidence

Image that links to Narelle's Learning Coach experience video


Meet Narelle Parent & Learning Coach

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Meet Shannon Parent & Learning Coach

Mother and daughter studying together on a laptop - Connections Academy

Your Role in Online Elementary School

For Arkansas Connections Academy children in grades K-5, Learning Coaches play an important part in everyday learning. You should expect to:

  • Schedule your child’s day with school activities and breaks
  • Spend about 5 hours a day overseeing schoolwork
  • Lend a hand with online school lessons and regularly connect with your child’s teacher
  • Help make sure your child is understanding their lessons and progressing
  • Celebrate their achievements and encourage them to keep going
Mother and son studying together on a laptop - Connections Academy

Your Role in Online Middle School

For Arkansas Connections Academy children in grades 6-8, Learning Coaches take a step back. As in most middle schools, your child will work with subject-specific teachers as they gain independence alongside knowledge. As their Learning Coach, you should expect to:

  • Spend 2-3 hours a day overseeing schoolwork
  • Lend a hand with some lessons
  • Check to make sure your child is understanding what they’re learning and keeping their grades up
  • Communicate one-on-one with teachers on a regular basis
  • Connect your child to their teacher when needed
Father and sons studying together at a table - Connections Academy

Your Role in Online High School

For Arkansas Connections Academy children in grades 9-12, Learning Coaches give their children plenty of freedom to work independently and gain the resilience they’ll need to succeed in adulthood. As your child’s Learning Coach, you should expect to:

  • Spend 1 to 2 hours a day overseeing schoolwork
  • Double-check to make sure your child is completing their assignments
  • Connect your child to their teacher when needed
  • Attend regular teacher conferences
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