Kathy Kabara
Learning Coach
Kathy Kabara is the mother and Learning Coach to Mercedes, a middle school student at Wisconsin Connections Academy (WCA). She and her husband enrolled their eldest sons in WCA in their Kindergarten year, and they have both graduated from the school. Kathy and her husband are pleased with structure of their children's schooling. Kathy shares more below about what works for her family:
After having put our first child through the bricks-and-mortar school system, we decided that with all the new options available to us, we wanted to try home schooling. I have a firm belief that the effort you put into education will be your reward. I had prepared a preschool-type program, but because we are busy organic dairy farmers, keeping up with it became difficult. With homeschooling, is also costly to buy the entire required curriculum in order to provide a quality education for our children. After researching, I found WCA.
We have so many reasons why we chose WCA. Our children’s online education is recognized and treated as a traditional public school education. We are all held accountable for daily work and attendance, and are expected to put our best foot forward. There is also no fee. I still purchase extra educational supplies, but it is only because I want them. I chose WCA because they provide textbooks as well, and I didn’t want our little kids solely sitting in front of a computer day after day. At the same time, virtual schooling allows the flexibility that we need.
Because of WCA, my kids have a childhood that is not influenced by peer pressure or the poor morals of others—they are free to be themselves.
— Kathy
We enjoy being able to do additional research on ideas that catch their attention. I am even learning Spanish with the kids. We absolutely love the teaching staff. The kids never miss a virtual class. It is important to all of us that there is not a constant turnaround of staff because it gives the kids a secure feeling. The teachers are firm, yet sweet and caring. My only regret is that there are not enough hours in a day because the school offers so many extra activities, including field trips, clubs and groups.
Because of WCA, my kids have a childhood that is not influenced by peer pressure or the poor morals of others—they are free to be themselves. It warms our hearts to be able to watch the kids grow and succeed. Our kids are happy, sweet, caring people. They are the first to get asked to help out. My children don’t complain and are reliable and trustworthy. We spend every day together and wouldn’t have it any other way!”