First things first: you want to make sure that your virtual student has the school supplies they need to start the school year primed for success.
Below is a general list of supplies for your home classroom to get you started. We know cost can be a factor, so don’t hesitate to reach out to your student’s teacher to find out what’s essential.
Note: these items may vary depending on student age and course requirements, but for the most part, these are the basics.
- Lined paper
- Graph paper
- Notebooks
- Pencils
- Pens (blue, black, red)
- Glue sticks
- Expo dry-erase markers
- Washable Crayola markers and crayons
- Scissors
- Erasers
- Paper clips
- Plastic folders
- Ruler
- Index cards
- Highlighters
- 3-ring binders
- Calculator
- Protractor
- Dictionary
- Laminator
- Manila file folders
- Single-hole punch
- 3-ring hole punch
- Pencil sharpener
- Tape
Print this checklist and take it with you to the store to get your home classroom one step closer to being back-to-school ready. For extra help organizing your school supplies, check out the storage and organization options listed below.