There are many benefits for students who choose to take AP courses online, especially when it comes to college admissions, including:
AP Classes are Typically Weighted
Instead of the typical grading method in which an “A” earns four points, an “A” in an AP course may earn five points. This allows students to achieve GPAs that are higher than the traditional 4.0 average. Grading scales are determined by each school, so students should check with their counselor about which grading scale will be used.
Students Can Save Money on College Tuition
Many colleges accept AP courses for college credit, which means that students may not have to take some of the required first-year college classes. This saves money on college tuition and gives students more time to take classes that are focused on their career goals or to explore other interests.
AP Classes Look Good on a College Application
When students take advantage of the most rigorous courses in high school, they demonstrate to college admissions advisors that they are highly motivated and don’t shy away from challenges. Having AP classes on college applications also shows that students have already developed the skills required to handle the academic rigor of a college level class.
AP Classes Can Lead to Higher College Entrance Exam Test Scores
Many students earn higher scores on SAT and ACT exams after completing AP courses. The critical-thinking, analytical, reading, and writing skills that are developed in AP courses can help a student achieve higher standardized test scores on these college admission exams.
Perhaps the most important benefit is that AP classes give students the opportunity to study subjects that they want to explore in greater detail during their high school years.