Most mental health experts agree that being proactive helps people feel more positive about their life. Students of all ages can benefit from the practice of dreaming about the future, setting specific goals that align with their desires, and consistently working towards those goals.
One of the most well-known positive thinking strategies, goal setting, has been called “the master skill of success” by some experts – and with good reason! When we are able to set goals and make plans to achieve them, we are able to approach our future with confidence, clarity, and hope.
So, help your student get started by setting specific goals that they can feel empowered and excited to work towards. Does your student want to get a certain grade? Do they want to make a sports team? Get into a prestigious college? Work with them to clearly state their goal and create a detailed plan of action for making it happen. Taking action and seeing progress in the pursuit of these goals is a great strategy for how to stay positive in school!
This type of goal setting also works well for personal endeavors. One way to stay positive is to keep dreaming of things we love. Even if now isn’t the right time for kids to travel or visit friends, they can still make plans for the future. Have your online student write down their ideas, start collecting pictures, or make a list of their favorite destinations.