Cassie Castro

Cassie Castro

Manager of Special Education

Cassie Castro is a special education teacher and manager at Falcon View Connections Academy. Ms. Castro has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, a master’s degree in autism spectrum disorders, and is currently working on her doctorate in educational leadership at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. Ms. Castro joined Falcon View Connections Academy in 2019 and enjoys working on social skills and interacting with her students during their LiveLesson ® sessions. She shares her teaching journey below:

“I chose to become an educator, specifically in special education, because I feel it is important for all students to be allowed access to education and to be allowed equal opportunities for engaging with their peers. Throughout high school and college, I volunteered with organizations that provided assistance to students with special needs and that was the beginning of my passion to work in the field of special education.”

Ms. Castro says that Falcon View Connections Academy allows teachers to provide learning opportunities to students who may not have been successful in brick-and-mortar settings, specifically if the students have behavioral and emotional regulation needs. “The online learning setting enables students to learn from the comfort of their own homes. They are allowed to take breaks when needed, and they can help to create their learning schedule for the day, which is important to encourage the students to develop organization and time management skills.

Connections Academy teaches students how to develop their self-advocacy skills and organizational skills because they are essentially in the driver’s seat of their education.

— Ms. Castro

Connections Academy teaches students how to develop their self-advocacy skills and organizational skills because they are essentially in the driver’s seat of their education. The students are given more opportunities to create their daily learning setting because they have the flexibility to work when it is best for them. The students are provided with engaging curriculum and have skilled and knowledgeable teachers who offer learning opportunities that are interesting and relevant.

I really enjoy getting to know the students and their families. I feel we have a great opportunity to be able to have close interaction with the families of the students, and I think that is a key attribute of our school and the success that we are able to obtain. The home/Learning Coach and school/teacher communication connection is a consistent feature in our school, and I think that is a positive difference maker for our students.”