Why I Chose Falcon View Connections Academy

I wanted to attend a school that would have a lot of resources and provide a good education from home.

My Online Middle School Experience

I like that I can communicate with my teachers all the time and that they’re there to help me if I get stuck. My relationship with my teachers is good—they are all supportive and nice. I also like having my Learning Coach (my mom) there to help me when I need it.

My favorite subject is history. It’s interesting to learn about things from the past and how they impact things.

I love Connections Academy® because I get a good education; the teachers are always there for me; and my Learning Coach is an extra resource that helps me.

— Wyatt

About Me

I like target shooting and biking on trails. I also play outside with my friends in the neighborhood. I have a good routine in place, and know when I need to focus on schoolwork and when I have the free time to do the things I like.

Wyatt petting a horse