About Our Family

Both myself and my daughter are entrepreneurs. I am an intuitive herbalist healer, and she is a knitter! Therefore, we both love the flexibility of school. In our free time, we also both enjoy exploring outside!

Why We Chose Falcon View Connections Academy

We chose Falcon View Connections Academy because of the freedom online school provides and also due to the option of a gifted and talented program. This would allow my little one to reach her full potential and finally be challenged academically.

Our Online School Experience

With online school, we have much more flexibility and freedom, and Payton is able to learn at her pace. I love watching her soar and be her own boss, not only in her own business, but also with her own education. Payton wants to be an inventor, and Falcon View Connections Academy helps her gain the confidence of exploring new ways to learn and to push the limits!

At Falcon View Connections Academy, we are free to learn the way we learn. My child gets to soar personally and academically through online school and I couldn’t be a prouder parent!

— Samantha