The students have been fantastic! The best part of my job is getting to know my students. I am very proud to be a part of a program that recognizes the value in personalizing education to fit students’ unique needs. They are encouraged by the flexible nature of the program, and their caretakers can be more involved in their student’s education. This team approach benefits everyone involved.
Indiana Connections Career Academy helps prepare students for a bright future because so much of our world is now in a virtual setting. Our students are becoming more advanced in their computer skills, learning to prepare and transfer documents, following an online student planner, attending LiveLesson® sessions—all things they will likely experience in their future job or college experience. Our career-focused courses give students insight into a variety of fields to help them make an informed decision regarding their future. They also benefit from a flexible schedule that allows them to pursue additional training, hobbies, events, or employment opportunities.