Russell Powell
High School Teacher
BS, University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Russell Powell began teaching in 2014 and joined Arkansas Connections Academy in 2020. He teaches physical science to grades 9‒12.
Why I Became a Teacher
I grew up around educators and saw firsthand how they impacted the lives of others. Parents would randomly walk up to my mom in stores or at a Little League baseball game and thank her for being there and helping their child. I teach because I can change lives for the better in this profession.
The Online School Experience at Arkansas Connections Academy
An education at Arkansas Connections Academy will do a phenomenal job preparing students for the future because it requires students to be self-motivated to complete their work. It also requires self-teaching, which is what higher education is built on and is also a major requirement in the workforce. What makes our school community special is the amount of support I’ve received from my fellow teachers and the administration team. Every question has been met with understanding, grace, and flexibility. I love how diverse our student body is—it’s one of the most beautiful things about our school community!
The Benefits of K‒12 Online Learning
One of the biggest benefits is the flexibility and autonomy we’re allowed as teachers. I love being able to facilitate learning more than just giving “busy work,” and being part of a support system for students. I also like how technology is used in creative ways to increase engagement. I enjoy the different ways I’ve been able to connect with students to learn more about them.
Your student will be challenged, loved, supported, and will succeed at Arkansas Connections Academy!
— Mr. Powell
Message for Families Interested in Online School
Arkansas Connections Academy is an incredible school with amazing teachers and administrators. This school and the staff want nothing more than to see your student be successful in the classroom and their everyday lives. We are here to help your student and support you as a parent and Learning Coach. We’re always just a phone call or email away.
Some Personal Interests
I enjoy spending time with my wonderful wife and daughter. We are all Disney fanatics! My wife is a Disney travel agent, so she has all the insider information. I am a die-hard Razorback fan. I also love music and was a music major for three years in college before settling for a music minor.