The goal of this step is to encourage your student to brainstorm different ways to solve the issue. You can start by asking the “miracle question.”
The miracle question is a technique for focusing on the present and future rather than on the past. Just ask your student to imagine a positive scenario.
“You feel happy and confident during your LiveLessons. What did you do to get there?” You can tell him or her that this change or miracle happened overnight. Ask your student to pinpoint what’s different about the situation when it has been solved. How does he or she feel? What does your student imagine him- or herself doing and thinking in the scenario?
By asking the miracle question, you help your student imagine what he or she wants to achieve and how to start working toward it today. This technique can help your student let go of past issues.
All you have to do is write down the ideas he or she comes up with. Record them all even if you don’t think one will work. This is because your student needs to learn that it’s okay to fail and try again—in fact, struggling is a predictable part of the learning process.
At the end, ask your student to choose the solution he or she thinks is best. Juggling multiple solutions can affect focus, so concentrate on one for the present. You can always return to this step and try other solutions later.