During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mallory’s family needed a more flexible schedule. They found a new way forward at Oklahoma Connections Academy.

Staying at Connections Academy® even beyond COVID-19
When COVID-19 upended life for so many students, Mallory’s family had a big decision to make. A longtime dedicated gymnast, Mallory’s daily practice time with her gymnastics club was changed to 11:00 a.m. to reduce contact among gymnasts. That meant she had to attend an online school. But which one?
Mallory’s parents wanted to enroll her in a school specifically designed for, and deeply committed to, virtual learning. And they wanted a school flexible enough for Mallory to have the freedom to pursue her gymnastics passion.
After carefully weighing their options, they enrolled her in Oklahoma Connections Academy, where she is currently a high school student.
Type of Learner
Learning Coach
Mother and Father
School Schedule
- 6:30 a.m. — Wake up and prepare for the day
7:30 a.m. — Gymnastics training
2:30 p.m. — Log in to Pearson Online Classroom and begin schoolwork
7:00 p.m. — Spend time with family
Getting support whenever it’s needed
"The first month or so, there was a learning curve, but I got through it quickly. The most helpful thing was the orientation call from my homeroom teacher. It was clear that even though I wouldn’t have the teacher there with me like in a brick-and-mortar school, they would be there for me whenever I needed support. And all my teachers were.
At Connections Academy, I feel like I’m in the driver’s seat of my education.
I have lots of control over the order and pace of my school day. I often know my grades immediately or very soon after completing my work. And I’m able to get help when I need it from teachers and counselors."

A school designed to fit students’ needs
"Some aspects of going to Oklahoma Connections Academy are great bonuses—like doing my schoolwork in the comfort of my own home with my dog and fridge close by! I can also “bring school” with me if I need to travel or if I’m not home for the day. Connections Academy fits me, and it fits my lifestyle and schedule.
With the changes in COVID-19, I could have returned to a traditional school—but I decided to stay at Connections Academy.
I’m glad I had the experience of a brick-and-mortar school, but I plan to continue here. I can take the same classes I would otherwise be able to take, and from great teachers. I learn a lot from the lessons, assignments, and face-to-face online sessions with teachers—but I can stay focused, work hard, and do it during the times I have available."
Flexibility everyone can appreciate, especially a gymnast
"All the flexibility, independence, and ability to go at a faster pace work really well with my gymnastics training and competition schedule. I work hard to succeed in school, and I work hard to succeed in gymnastics. Being a student here is helpful because it allows me to pursue both of those goals. I love being a student at Oklahoma Connections Academy!"
Explore the Possibilities
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Parent Involvement
Parents help students stay on track by serving as their Learning Coach. See how being by their side today will help them go far tomorrow.
How Connections Academy Works
Explore how our passionate teachers and highly engaging curriculum help prepare students for success now and in the future.