Headshot of Msr. Rozner

Ethan Rozner

High School Social Studies Teacher

Bachelor of Science, High School Studies Education, Southeast Missouri State University

Ethan Rozner joined the faculty at Missouri Connections Academy this year, teaching social studies to high schoolers. Mr. Rozner believes that for older students – soon-to-be-adults – social studies is so much more than just a class. 

Social Studies: Not Just Names and Dates

“Social studies is not some abstract collection of names and dates,” he explains. It is “the context to the lives we are all living.” 

As his students take the step into adulthood, and the countless responsibilities that come with it, they must be able to advocate for themselves and for their communities. Mr. Rozner’s goal is to empower them. “I think it’s very important to connect social studies to the everyday lives that we all live,” he says. 

Preparing Students for Tomorrow

Mr. Rozner is proud to be part of the faculty at Missouri Connections Academy and the warm, welcoming environment it creates – for both the students and the teachers. “We help students feel accepted so that they can best achieve their goals,” he says.

An important part of those goals is being able to thrive in a world that seems to be changing more rapidly than ever. And technology is what’s driving it. “We prepare students to use the tech they will use in the future,” Mr. Rozner explains, whatever path they ultimately choose. As a teacher, “it’s very rewarding.”

We help students feel accepted so that they can best achieve their goals.

—  Mr. Rozner