Gavin M at Lighthouse Connections Academy



Gavin is a recent graduate from Lighthouse Connections Academy. Gavin is a hockey player who loves math. Here’s more of what Gavin had to say about Lighthouse Connections Academy.

Why I Chose Lighthouse Connections Academy

The flexibility and ability to work at my own pace first interested me in Lighthouse Connections Academy. I play travel hockey and it allowed me to work around my travel schedule.

I work well independently. When I needed help, my teachers were very responsive and available to help. I am most passionate about playing hockey. My team travels all over the country. My schedule changed a lot because of it, but typically I tried to front load my morning with LiveLesson® sessions and coursework so I was available for practice and conditioning in the afternoon. Lighthouse Connections Academy allowed me to work ahead or work from the road so I didn’t fall behind in my schoolwork.

My future plans are to take a gap year to play junior hockey before going to college.

Gavin playing hockey while studying at Lighthouse Connections Academy

Lighthouse Connections Academy has helped prepare me for the future by giving me a solid education and allowing me to learn time management skills.

— Gavin