Learning Coach
Shelley is a Learning Coach for Niyla, an elementary school student at Kansas Connections Academy. She wanted Niyla to receive a more personalized learning experience and decided to enroll in online school. Shelley shares their story below:
Our Online School Experience at Kansas Connections Academy
The courses and support tools work best for Niyla. Her learning style is supported with a better understanding of her success with her education. Niyla needed a little more hands-on learning support. Kansas Connections Academy offered the personal touch she needed.
Social studies and science are our favorite subjects. Niyla is creative by nature, curious at heart, and working hard has always been her strength. She has many passionate dreams, and I’m interested to see how this journey will affect her future. Art and basketball are her favorite activities, and how she stays connected with her friends. Thanks to online school, there are no conflicts with her schedule.
Kansas Connections Academy provides students with educational footprints, which will impact the world.
— Shelley