Feb 6: Count Day is Wednesday, Let’s Get Ready!
Thank you for your continued support and dedication as we continue the transition to Pearson Online Classroom. We have an important enrollment milestone this week, and we want to provide you with steps to ensure that your student is counted for Count Day on Wednesday, February 8, 2023. On Count Day, we will show the state of Michigan how strong our online learning community is!
To fulfill Count Day requirements:
Your student will need to complete a full lesson, submit an assignment, and mark the lesson complete in every active class.
Learning Coaches will need to record attendance for each student.
By completing these actions, your student will be included in the enrollment count reported to the Michigan State Department of Education. The enrollment count impacts the future of the school, state funding, and other important resources allocated for our school!
Together, we will make Count Day COUNT!
Feb 3: Please read these essential updates on Count Day
Thank you for your continued patience and enthusiasm as we transition our school to Pearson Online Classroom and Pearson’s Connections Academy curriculum! We know the last few weeks have been rocky, but we are very excited about what’s been accomplished so far and where our school is headed.
We’re writing with an update and an important request.
Course Placement Update
Student course schedules are finalized. Students should begin completing lessons in their assigned courses daily* and caretakers should record student attendance in Pearson Online Classroom.
We Need Your Help to Make Count Day COUNT!
Please note that we need you and your student to complete a few important tasks on Count Day.
On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, all students must:
Complete a full lesson in every active class
Submit the assignment
Mark the lesson complete
On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, all caretakers must:
Record attendance for each student
Taking these steps ensures that all students are included in the enrollment count reported to the Michigan State Department of Education. This enrollment count impacts the future of the school, state funding, and other important resources allocated for our school. We need your help to make Count Day COUNT!
Thank you again!
We have gotten great feedback from longtime GLLA parents who were with us when the school first partnered with Connections Academy. I share their enthusiasm and I want to thank you again for your patience and support as we begin this exciting journey together. If you have questions, please reach out to your student’s homeroom (guide) teacher.
Anthony Kruckeberg
GLLA School Board President
*The program allows for flexibility around when a student completes work, as long as the student averages 30.5 hours of work per week, for a total of 1,098 hours for the school year.
Jan 31: An Update on School-Issued Chromebooks
We are writing with an update regarding student course files that were saved on the GLLA Google Drive prior to our school’s transition to Connections Academy.
On January 23, 2023, StrongMind turned over ownership of the GLLA Google Workspace to Pearson and we were able to reinstate students' access to the school’s Google Apps. Most students should now be able to access school Gmail, chat, and Google Drive folders with the use of their login credentials that they used last semester.
We encourage you to try all possible logins/passwords before calling tech support. If your student needs their password reset, please contact Student Tech Support at 800-382-6010 Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET. with their Google Workspace username handy.
While the Google drive storage is now fully accessible, student work saved on the hard drive of the Chromebook is no longer available. Unfortunately, when StrongMind initially disabled the school’s Google Workspace it also remotely wiped the hard drives on all school-issued Chromebooks and locked many of the devices. This means there are no recoverable files on school-issued Chromebooks. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this has caused you or your student.
Many of you have school-issued Chromebooks. We are exploring options to collect these Chromebooks during state testing this April. Please continue to hold on to them until more information is provided later this semester.
Jan 30: Getting Started Webinars for GLLA Learning Coaches
We’re committed to providing new Learning Coaches with the tools they need to be effective in their role while supporting their students’ success in virtual school.
Our Learning Coach Success Series webinars will introduce you to your new role and responsibilities and familiarize you with the tasks you’ll perform each day.
View the Schedule and Register for Multiple Webinars
Session Schedule and Descriptions:
- Learning Coach Essentials: Learn how to set your student up for success in virtual school by completing your orientation course and setting up a basic routine. We will walk you through the main tasks you’ll be completing every day.
- Tuesday, January 31 at 12:00 p.m.: Click here to register
- Creating a Routine and Daily Schedule: In this session we go into detail about how to plan your student’s school day, from preparation, to guiding your student through lessons, to wrapping up each day.
- Tuesday, January 31 at 2:00 p.m.: Click here to register
- Navigating the Home Pages and the Planner: Get to know your new online classroom: take a tour of the Learning Coach Home Page and the Student Home Page. In this session we will explore the main features and tools found on each home page.
- Thursday, February 2 at 12:00 p.m.: Click here to register
- Lessons in the Online Classroom: If you’re new to virtual school, you won’t want to miss our session introducing everything you need to know about lessons. We’ll cover where to find your student’s daily lessons, how to navigate through lessons, and where to find course-related resources, as well as the Learning Coach’s role in daily lesson completion.
- Thursday, February 2 at 2:00 p.m.: Click here to register
- Thursday, February 2 at 2:00 p.m.: Click here to register
Jan 27: Introducing Our New Executive Director
We’re proud to announce that our new executive director, Dan McMinn, will begin leading GLLA on Monday, February 13, 2023.
Joining our community with nearly 20 years of experience in secondary education, Mr. McMinn’s most recent role was as school leader of NexTech High School in Grand Rapids, which was originally established by Pearson 11 years ago. Mr. McMinn is excited to rejoin the Pearson team and is looking forward to supporting all our great GLLA students across Michigan.
Thank you in advance for welcoming Mr. McMinn to our school community!
Jan 26: Welcome to Pearson Online Classroom
Second semester is now underway, and we are excited to introduce you to our new learning platform: Pearson Online Classroom! Together, we’ll support your student on their learning journey and make this a semester filled with growth and success.
When your student’s computer arrives, they should begin logging into Pearson Online Classroom regularly to check their WebMail and Planner. As soon as your student’s course placement is complete, their Planner will update and they can begin work. LiveLesson sessions will be scheduled for some classes and other work will be done independently. Your student will be able to contact their teachers for support via WebMail or phone.
As your student’s Learning Coach, be sure to log into Pearson Online Classroom regularly to complete Learning Coach tasks and make sure your student is on track.
Log in to Pearson Online Classroom
Need help getting started? Check out our Seven Steps for Success and use this step-by-step plan to navigate your first day.
Webinars Just for Great Lakes Learning Academy Families
To ensure that you have a smooth start to the semester, we invite you to attend our Getting Started in Virtual School webinars. This four-part series provides detailed guidance on the tasks you will perform in your role, including creating a daily schedule, maintaining a good school routine, and navigating lessons.
Using our WebMail System
Pearson Online Classroom has a secure WebMail system. Moving forward, WebMail messages will be the primary method of communication between your family and Great Lakes Learning Academy. Please check WebMail regularly as we will no longer be sending updates to your personal email address. The short video below will show you how to check unread WebMail messages, reply to messages, and compose new ones.
Our Tech Support Team is Here
Please contact Student Technical Support at 800-382-6010 Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET if you need assistance with login credentials or with your student computer.
- Student computers have shipped. While we anticipate that all computers should be delivered by today, it is possible that there may be delivery delays due to weather in some locations. Teachers are aware of the potential for delays. If you do not receive your student computer by Monday, January 30, please call us. Please note that Pearson Online Classroom can be accessed from any personal computer with internet access.
- Student computer login credentials were sent to you via email on Monday, January 23, 2023.
- Pearson Online Classroom login credentials were sent to you via email on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.
We look forward to seeing the great things your student will accomplish this semester!
Jan 23: Technology Update and Orientation Sessions
We hope you had a nice weekend and had an opportunity to look at the resources shared last week. As we gear up for school to resume on Jan. 26, we have some important updates about technology and orientation sessions.
Update #1: Multiple Logins
Your student will have TWO logins -- one for their computer and one to log in to their courses in the Pearson Online Classroom. Parents will have a separate login for the Pearson Online Classroom.
Computer Login:
Your child’s computer will ship this week. It is critical that you follow specific instructions in the Computer Setup Guide the first time you log on to the computer or the device will be inoperable and will need to be replaced.
When you are ready to log on to the computer for the first time, you will need 3 things:
- Computer
- Computer Setup Guide
Find this document in the laptop box or visit support.connexus.com and search for “Computer Setup Guide”. - Computer login credentials
These were emailed to you January 23, 2023, from setup@ConnectionsAcademy.com with the subject: CONNECTIONS ACADEMY COMPUTER LOGON INFO: PLEASE SAVE THIS EMAIL.
If you have not received your computer by Friday, January 27, please call Student Technical Support at 1-800-382-6010, weekdays from 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM Eastern Time. You can also call Technical Support if you have not received the login credentials email or have trouble logging in.
Pearson Online Classroom Login:
You will receive another email with student and caretaker login credentials. The login credentials are needed to log in to Pearson Online Classroom. This is where you and your student will access their courses.
Update #2: Learning Coach Overview and Trainings
We are offering a welcome webinar this week to provide an overview of the Learning Coach’s role and daily tasks. We encourage you to register to attend one of the sessions.
Register to attend on Tuesday, January 24, at 3:30 PM ET
Register to attend on Wednesday, January 25, at 12:00 PM ET
Register to attend on Wednesday, January 25, 2:00 PM ET
We will also offer a series of four in-depth training sessions the week of January 31. We recommend that you login to the Pearson Online Classroom during these sessions so you can follow along with the trainer. Look for details on these sessions next week. We are looking forward to working with your student in our new online classroom!
Jan 20: New Online Classroom Tour and Learning Coach Resources
We are excited about next week and are provisioning and preparing to ship a laptop to your student. Please be on the lookout over the next few days for an important email from setup@connectionsacademy.com that contains login credentials and important login information for your student's laptop. Please retain this email because you will need it when your laptop arrives next week.
There’s a separate tour for students and Learning Coaches, so make sure to share this link with your student, too.
Wondering what a Learning Coach is?
Learning Coaches are parents or other trusted adults who help GLLA students thrive in the new online classroom. The Learning Coach's role varies based on the student's grade level and individual needs, and may include things like helping to structure your student's school day, monitoring attendance, staying in touch with teachers by phone or email, and providing one-on-one support with learning activities.
Keep an eye out for an email next week with details about live orientation sessions for Learning Coaches.
We will continue to send frequent email updates to families, update the closed Facebook group and school website. You can also call to speak to the school directly on our new temporary phone line 517-618-1725 weekdays from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Eastern Time. We anticipate a high call volume and appreciate your patience as we respond to each family.
Jan 18: Transitioning to Connections Academy and Interim Break Notification
Dear Great Lakes Learning Academy Families,
On January 5, I sent an email to let you know that our school would be moving to a new learning management platform and curriculum. I am writing today with some important and exciting updates.
Effective immediately, Great Lakes Learning Academy (GLLA) will partner with Connections Academy, which is supported by Pearson. Your students will benefit from Pearson’s award-winning curriculum, delivered through the time-tested Pearson Online Classroom.
Because it’s important to us to provide a rich learning experience for your students, we have made the decision to institute an interim break for students while we work to overcome technology interruptions and equip students and teachers with the tools they need to be successful.
Please let your student know that our school will be closed to students now through January 25, reopening on January 26. Services for Special Education students will resume on January 26. During the break, students are not expected to complete any coursework or curriculum. We will share an updated school calendar in the coming weeks.
We recognize that you may have questions, and we are committed to keeping the lines of communication open. Please find additional ways to learn more about our new partnership and reach our school below.
- New website: We are excited to share our school’s new look and website: www.connectionsacademy.com/great-lakes-learning-academy. Check back often for timely updates.
- Closed Facebook group: We’ve created a closed Facebook group for GLLA parents to join to get frequent updates as we transition to Connections Academy. To request access to the closed Facebook group, please click this link. You will be required to respond to two questions to gain access, please do so.
- New temporary phone number: While we update phone service for the school and teachers, we have set up a temporary phone line you can use to reach out with questions. Please call 517-618-1725 weekdays from 8 AM – 4 PM Eastern Time. If you reach our voicemail, please leave a message with your full name, your student’s full name and your phone number, and we will return your call. We anticipate a high call volume and appreciate your patience as we respond to each family.
We feel strongly that partnering with Connections Academy will provide your student with the academic tools and support they need to do their best work in the virtual classroom and beyond. We assure you that we are working hard to make the transition as smooth as possible for students and staff, and value your continued support.
Anthony Kruckeberg
GLLA School Board President
Jan 5: Transitioning to New Learning Management Platform and Curriculum
Dear Great Lakes Learning Academy Families:
On Monday, January 16, 2023, GLLA will be transitioning to a new learning management platform and courses. This will cause the following changes to occur:
- new website for students to access classes and for parents/guardians to check their student's progress and performance in classes
- new login information for students and parents/guardians
- new "look" to the classes
- temporary lack of access to previously completed student work and grades while the system is transitioning
We had hoped to make this transition in July 2023, but due to unforeseen circumstances we had to move the timeline up to January 2023.
What’s not changing
While this transition is happening, the core of GLLA - our students, families, and staff - is not changing in any fundamental way. We still will provide all GLLA students a world class online education which is tailored to their personal post-secondary plans and interests, while maintaining our adherence to the Michigan Merit Curriculum so everyone has a common foundation of knowledge and skills. There are other important aspects of the GLLA experience which will NOT be changing in this transition, and these include the following:
- your student's Guide teacher will remain the same and be your one primary point of contact for all questions and concerns
- 24/7/365 access to classes and instructional support
- student schedules (some class names may be slightly different, but the content will be the same and be based on the Michigan Department of Education curriculum standards)
- expectations for graduation, including credits needed and specific class requirements
- our commitment to provide individualized, pro-active support for students so they can excel academically, socially, and emotionally
To use a comparison with the brick and mortar schools many of us use as a template when we think about schools, GLLA is getting a new set of textbooks and bulletin boards, but the school staff, mission, and physical location are remaining the same.
Your student's Guide teacher will have specific information regarding the new website address, logins (usernames and passwords), details of navigating the new learning platform, and be ready to support you and your student during this transition. Since the timing on this was moved up unexpectedly, they are still receiving information themselves and will be learning the new system along with you and your student(s). The entire GLLA team – faculty, staff, leadership, and the School Board - is committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for students and parents/guardians. The key requirements for success will be frequent communication with the Guide teacher, patience as we all learn a new system, and being understanding as we navigate this exciting, yet sudden, transition to our new learning management platform.
We look forward to sharing this new learning experience with you and your student!
Anthony Kruckeberg
GLLA School Board President