Jim and Erin Sturgill
Learning Coaches
“Brick-and-mortar schools tend to be loud and chaotic,” explain Jim and Erin. Their student Jamie wasn’t thriving in a traditional learning environment, and as he approached high school, it became increasingly clear that he needed a change. They decided to make the switch to Great Lakes Learning Academy. “We started seeing a difference in him right away,” they recalled. “He was much happier and upbeat.”
For many parents, one of the biggest questions about Great Lakes Learning Academy is their role and responsibilities as Learning Coaches. Now with several years of experience, Jim and Erin have plenty of advice to offer.
Support is always available
“Don't be afraid to reach out for help,” Jim and Erin say. “Teachers are always willing to help and offer guidance.”
At Great Lakes Learning Academy, teachers are available to speak with students or learning coaches throughout the day — by phone, text, webmail, and video. “Jamie's teachers have always been very helpful and open to communication from us as parents,” they say. “The teachers have shown genuine concern that he is understanding the material and willingness to help.”
“We love the flexibility and safe learning environment that Great Lake Learning Academy offers.”
— Jim and Erin Sturgill
Choose the right workspace
“Have a dedicated workspace that your student can work in with no noise or distractions,” they advise. Though family homes are typically far less hectic than brick-and-mortar schools, they can have their own set of distractions. It’s important to remember that even virtual students require a physical environment that is conducive to learning.
Extracurriculars are extra-important
“Take advantage of field trips,” Jim and Erin say. Great Lakes Learning Academy offers regular outings — to museums, parks, aquariums and more. Many students love the opportunities to make even in-person connections with classmates from all over the state.
Jim and Erin also appreciate the many extracurricular clubs that are offered. Their student participates in the Gaming & Technology Club, Chess Club, and e-Sports. “Extracurriculars always look great on college applications.”