11th Grade Student
Traditional schools couldn’t provide all that Heather wanted. As a strong student, as an active and engaged person, she is already focused on college-level courses and already thinking ahead to her career – all while participating in a wide range of activities, both inside and outside of school.
An Entrepreneurial Mindset, Even as a Student
Both of Heather’s parents are entrepreneurs. She seems to have inherited their independence, self-motivation, and sense of personal responsibility. As a student at Great Lakes Learning Academy, Heather can work at her own pace and structure her own schedule. She’s often motivated to get her schoolwork done in advance.
“Being able to work ahead… is something that works well for me in the program,” she says, “so I can do things like work with my parents.” Heather is already following in their entrepreneurial footsteps. By completing her schoolwork early, she says it’s “easier to have two booths at both my parents’ antique stores.”
Heather isn’t just working days ahead. She also has the opportunity to work years ahead through the school’s dual enrollment program. What kind of classes is this “future entrepreneur” looking into next? Business, of course!
A Wolverine?
Heather’s interests extend well beyond academics. She is “very passionate” about photography and cars and – not surprisingly – car photography. She loves hockey and guitar. At Great Lake Learning Academy, she joined the e-sports team, calling it perhaps her “most memorable experience” at the school.
And what lies ahead for this passionate, motivated, independent 11th grade student? Heather’s “plans are to go to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.” Go Heather! Go Blue!