The Flexibility She Needed

Andrell made the switch to Great Lakes Learning Academy in sixth grade. It was a life-changing decision. “Online really helped with being able to create my own schedule,” Andrell explained. “It works [when I have to] go get blood transfusions.”

The flexible curriculum at Great Lakes Learning Academy allows students to work at their own pace, to complete assignments and projects in a timeframe that is realistic and accommodates real-world challenges. “When I’m sick or have a medical crisis and get behind,” Andrell explains, “I can catch back up.” 

The teachers are “so supportive and understanding.”

Ready to Walk Across the Stage

Andrell has enjoyed many of her courses at Great Lakes Learning Academy, including health, anatomy, and sociology. She is particularly appreciative of the school’s approach to physical education. “The PE course is very flexible,” she says. “It could be anything, like going outside, playing basketball, riding a bike [even] playing football with my siblings.”

Andrell will be graduating from Great Lakes Learning Academy in the summer of 2024. After graduation, she plans to attend trade school to work in construction, or possibly carpentry or roofing. It’s something she’s been interested in since she was little.

For now, however, Andrell is looking forward to graduating from Great Lakes Learning Academy and participating in the traditional in-person graduation ceremony. “Right now, I’m getting ready to walk across that stage!” she says. “I’ve been excited about this for a long time.”