Image of Devin

Devin Wingate-Sumpter


Devin Wingate-Sumpter is a recent graduate of South Carolina Connections Academy (SCCA). Devin enjoyed the school’s supportive learning environment. His mother, Barbara, shares his story below:

"Devin was a bright and curious special needs student who enjoys learning. He spent kindergarten through second grade at South Carolina Connections Academy, but then he was placed in the local school district. Devin started feeling left behind and unwanted in the traditional classroom setting. Most of all, he felt as though his regular education teacher did not want to help him. The principal decided to place Devin in an autism classroom for over half of the day. Devin and I were not satisfied with that option because we knew there was a better solution—South Carolina Connections Academy!

Since reenrolling in South Carolina Connections Academy, Devin thrived. His favorite subjects were math and science. The LiveLesson® sessions, practice sessions, and the ability to work at his own pace really worked well for him. He felt he could keep up with his work and appreciated that teachers cared about him. Devin did not have to worry about being teased. Most importantly, he achieved success. Devin and his teacher worked together to make sure that he grew in every area and reached his greatest learning potential.

What I like about Connections Academy® is I that I could work ahead and finish some of my courses early.

— Devin

Devin is passionate about playing video games and has scheduled times that he can play games so that he can focus on his schoolwork. He also enjoys bowling and hanging out with his friends. Devin says when he attended school in a traditional brick-and-mortar setting, he had less one-on-one time with his teacher and less time on the computer. At South Carolina Connections Academy, he was able to work ahead and even finish some courses early".

After graduation, Devin plans to attend ECPI University and major in computer coding.

Image of Devin smiling