Tim Gray
High School Teacher
Bachelor of Science Degree in Sociology, University of the State of New York Excelsior College; Master of Arts Degree in Great Books of the Western World, St. John's College; Juris Doctor Degree in International and Comparative Law, University of Tulsa College of Law
Tim Gray started teaching in 2013. In 2024, he joined Wyoming Connections Academy, where he teaches a variety of science courses to students in high school. His favorite classroom activity is “discussing how and why our world works the way it does, and what we can do to affect it for the better.”
Why I Became a Teacher
Mr. Gray says, “I saw teaching young people as an honorable profession that several of my closest family had committed their lives to. … I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy continued learning in the profession of teaching young people.” The most rewarding part of his job is when he sees “students who were struggling in previous school environments and, with assistance, begin to thrive in the virtual environment.”
The Online School Experience at Wyoming Connections Academy
How does an education at Wyoming Connections Academy help prepare students for a successful future? According to Mr. Gray, “Colleges increasingly utilize software similar to that which is used at this school to present information.
“The skills students learn here to organize themselves, develop good online attendance and study habits, and navigate enhanced technology give them 21st-century strengths that are increasingly necessary to succeed.”
Message for Families Considering Online School
If there’s one thing he would tell parents considering enrolling their student at Wyoming Connections Academy, it’s this: “Carefully consider the program, how it works, and weigh the benefits for your student(s) and your family. In many cases, the flexibility of this school’s programs matched with the solid course programming and 21st-century skills practiced daily can set your student up for enhanced lifelong success.”
Hobbies and Interests
In his free time, reports Mr. Gray, he likes to “read, analyze various things, write, create 3-D digital art, go hunting and fishing, collect rocks and minerals, spend time with my wife, and work/play with our two dogs and three cats.”
“I want my students to know [it’s possible to accomplish important goals that were once considered impossible] and to experience this for themselves in accomplishing many of their dreams.”
— Mr. Gray