Image of Mariah Scott

Mariah Scott

Manager of Special Populations

Bachelor’s Degree, Special Education, Tennessee Technological University; Master’s Degree, Educational Leadership, Western Governors University 

Mariah Scott began her career as an educator in 2021. In 2022, she joined Utah Connections Academy, where she is the manager of special education services.

Why She Became an Educator

According to Ms. Scott, “I chose to become an educator because I want to help the greater good. I fell in love with the ‘light bulb’ moments students have when things just click, and I never wanted to stop experiencing that. … I love the diversity at Utah Connections Academy. Every student and family is unique and has experiences to share and learn from.”  

The Online School Experience at Utah Connections Academy

“Utah Connections Academy families are greeted and immediately given support in how to operate our platform,” reports Ms. Scott. “Our faculty and staff are eager to listen to families’ needs and follow up with any reassurances or assistance necessary. 

“My favorite part of my job is creating connections with colleagues, students, and families. What I love about online [education] is that it allows students to attend school in alternate settings. Utah Connections Academy’s coursework is rigorous and designed to prepare our students for higher education.” 

“I want to [make sure] students and families know that I see them, I hear them, and what they say matters to me.”

— Ms. Scott