Jandy Stelter

Jandy Stelter

Elementary Assistant Principal (K-6)

Ms. Stelter has 15 years of experience in education and has focused on supporting marginalized communities and differently-abled learners. Before joining the UCA family, Jandy supported teachers in applying pedagogical best practices through a variety of leadership roles. She earned her bachelor's degree in Kinesiology and two master's degrees in special education and English as a Second Language from a small Liberal Arts college in Southern Colorado.

The knowledge from those programs drive her ideas of whole-body learning where students engage physically, mentally and emotionally in the learning process.

Jandy is a political activist, an A+ auntie, a community volunteer, goofball and world traveler. She spends her free time with her partner and their two dogs. It shan’t go unmentioned that Jandy is a Green Bay Packers shareholder!

Jandy Stelter