
Marcie Romrell

Learning Coach

Marcie Romrell is the mother and Learning Coach to Aspen, a high school student at Utah Connections Academy. Her daughter is thriving thanks to her teachers who encourage her to grow and be herself. Marcie loves that she is able to be involved in her daughter’s learning with the support of the teachers. She shares her story below.

The Online School Experience at Utah Connections Academy

“Our family first heard about Utah Connections Academy on a radio commercial. At the time, we were looking for something different for Aspen. We previously had been homeschooling. We knew that we didn’t want to send her to a traditional school, so a couple of weeks later we attended a Utah Connections Academy information session. That night, we all decided that Utah Connections Academy was the right place for all of us.

Aspen has thrived in this online environment. She has met many friends from school and sees them on school field trips and during her free l time. She likes learning at her own pace, whether that is going a bit slower on some days or working ahead on others. She also really enjoys the LiveLesson® sessions, where she is able to interact with her teachers and peers.

"I would have to say the best part of Utah Connections Academy is the teachers. They are all so dedicated to their students. They really want each and every one of their students to learn, grow, and thrive."

— Marcie

As a Learning Coach, I enjoy seeing her engage in her lessons and LiveLessons. I also like having access to her grade book and checking off her lessons everyday so I know if she is on track.

I would have to say the best part of Utah Connections Academy is the teachers. They are all so dedicated to their students, and really want each and every one of them to learn, grow, and thrive. We have learned from past experience that the teachers are really easy to reach, whether that is through WebMail or over the phone. They really do want to help. Their passion for teaching and learning has inspired Aspen—she’s thinking about becoming a math teacher!”

Marcie Romrell, Learning Coach