Megan South
Secondary Teacher
Megan South is a secondary school teacher at South Carolina Connections Academy (SCCA). She started her teaching career with Connections Academy in 2008. Ms. South holds a bachelor of science degree in secondary science education from Charleston Southern University.
When asked why she became a teacher, Ms. South said:
"I became a teacher for many reasons. First, I love the energizing environment. It’s impossible to be stagnant or bored with a job as challenging and exciting as teaching! My brain is constantly engaged as I work to solve a multitude of problems each day that I’ve never faced before. We teachers view ourselves as lifelong learners and relish the chance to grow and evolve. In addition, the innocent enthusiasm of the students keeps us young, as they remind us to smile even through the most frustrating moments. Second, I have an opportunity to let my personality and sense of humor come out! The greatest asset we bring to the work each day is our unique personalities. Teachers absolutely must use their individual gifts to lead and motivate their students. Third, I get the opportunity to be an inspiration to my students. Each day when I interact with my students, I never know what I will say or do that will leave a lasting impression on them. We can all remember something positive (or negative) that one of our teachers said to us or the class—something that stuck in our minds and influenced our viewpoints for all these years. When you bring the full force of your personality and expertise, you can’t help but inspire your students. This is a sacred trust we are given as teachers, and, in my opinion, it is definitely one of the benefits of the job. Last, I am giving back to the community.
"I love everything about South Carolina Connections Academy! I feel, from an educator’s standpoint, that I get to know my students better here than I would at a bricks-and-mortar school."
— Ms. South
The majority of teachers enter this profession because they want to make a difference in the world and in their own communities. This is a noble and valiant purpose that we should always keep in the forefront of our minds. No matter the challenges we face, our work truly can have positive ramifications for our students, their families, and the future. Giving our best to each student and watching him or her grow is definitely the greatest gift of all.I
] love everything about SCCA! I feel, from an educator’s standpoint, that I get to know my students better here than I would at a bricks-and-mortar school. We have the best families who are a joy to work with. We also have some of the best teachers available. Together, we have assembled a virtual family of people who are committed to the success of our students across the state."