Ashley Dickert
Elementary School Teacher
Ashley Dickert is an elementary school teacher at South Carolina Connections Academy (SCCA). She began teaching in 2008 and joined SCCA in 2011. She graduated from Grand Valley State University with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education, and she is currently working towards a master’s degree in elementary education from Ball State University.
When asked what inspired her to become a teacher, Ms. Dickert said, "I knew from a very early age that I wanted to become a teacher— I couldn’t imagine being anything else! I love working with children and enjoy watching them explore and discover.
I like meeting all of the families at SCCA and hearing their stories. I find it so interesting to hear the stories of why families are choosing our school. From an employee perspective, I love the flexibility working from home can offer. I live here in South Carolina with my husband. In my free time, I enjoy reading novels, cooking, and spending time with family and friends.
I love meeting all of the families at South Carolina Connections Academy and hearing their stories. I find it so interesting to hear the stories of why families are choosing our school.
— Ms. Dickert
I have had the opportunity to teach in both a bricks-and-mortar school and an online environment. I feel that in an online school, I am better able to get to know my students and their families. I can also spend more time addressing student needs and am not restricted to the time frames of block scheduling.
To parents considering joining an online schooling environment, becoming a Learning Coach for an early elementary child can be challenging, but there is no better reward than becoming more involved in your student’s learning. That extent of involvement is just not possible in a bricks-and-mortar environment."