“I loved the flexibility, teachers, classmates, and opportunities at Minnesota Connections Academy. When I tell people about how online school works, they’re always surprised that I got all the benefits of a bricks-and-mortar school while still getting flexibility with my schedule. I had amazing teachers—I just can’t stop saying good things about them! They were always willing to help me, and they all worked hard to form a personal relationship with me, which is something not many other high school kids can say about their teachers. I loved math and science, but the wonderful teachers at Connections Academy opened me up to loving more subjects—They all wanted me to LEARN, not to just get good grades.
My classmates were really awesome too! It was cool to have friends from all over Minnesota. I liked that we could still get together on field trips or call each other online anytime. There were several Minnesota Connections Academy field trips per month in every part of Minnesota. They were a great way to hang out with my friends while doing something fun like rollerblading or exploring the science museum.
I was also on Student Council at Connections, and it was so fun to observe this school from that perspective. I loved my Student Council advisors, who were so kind and amazing. Outside of school, I volunteered at a retirement home with my dad to bring the elderly people to their churches. It was a great time to give while getting to talk to my dad (yes, I’m a teenager and I still love my parents). I also ran an after school Lego Robotics class at my old school, which was a ton of fun! I wouldn’t have been able to do it if I went to a bricks-and-mortar high school because I’d have a ton of homework to do and wouldn’t get off in time. I’m also very passionate about singing and acting. I lead the worship for my youth group at church on Wednesdays, and on Sundays, I was involved in a singing and acting group.