Michele Omvig

Michele Omvig

Learning Coach

Michele Omvig was a busy mom and Learning Coach of two students from at Iowa Connections Academy (IACA) who recently graduated. Previously homeschoolers, the Omvig family needed another educational method when economic pressures forced Michele to start working part time. They found Connections Academy to be the ideal solution for their situation. Michele shares their story below:

“Our boys were previously homeschooled. Then our financial situation changed, and I had to take a part-time job. I quickly realized that I could not be two places at once. Multiple family members mentioned Connections Academy as a solution, and I am so thankful they did.

When I had to be at work, I could log on and see what assignments the boys had. At a glance, we could look at their schoolwork for the week and decide which assignments they needed my help with, and which they could complete on their own.

The IACA teachers are so easy to work with and were available via email or phone. I loved that grades were updated nightly so I could track how my children are doing.

— Michele

With IACA, we were not limited to normal bricks-and-mortar school hours. We worked on school on a weekend or an evening, whenever we had time. My children often liked to start their classes before 7:00 a.m. so they could be done early and have free time. The teachers were so easy to work with and are available via email or phone. I love that grades were updated nightly so I was able to track how my children are doing.

For our family, this had been a wonderful way to transition from homeschooling. I really appreciate the flexibility that Connections Academy offers.”