Janelle Yelton
Learning Coach
Janelle Yelton was a Learning Coach to Natalie, recent graduate of Indiana Connections Academy (INCA). Janelle is pleased that her children excelled in school while traveling across the country with their family. She shares below what worked well for her family at INCA.
“Our family received a postcard in the mail years ago when INCA was just starting up in Indiana. We thought it would be fun to learn at home, so we committed to trying it for one year. We loved it so much that we are still enrolled years later.
Before we started at INCA, my husband and I were concerned that the local bricks-and-mortar school left very little time for anything except homework. Both of our children study piano, but there was less and less time to fit piano into their day. We were looking for a school that would allow our children attend lessons and practice often. Additionally, we really wanted to visit not only Indiana, but also the United States together as a family before our children went to college. Luckily, we have been able to meet both of those goals. Through INCA field trips, we have visited every region in Indiana and almost every attraction. Even more exciting, we were able to take a six week camping trip through the American West last year, where we saw most all of the National Parks.
As parents we are completely committed to helping our teenagers get the very best education, and we have found a school of teachers who reciprocate our commitment.
— Janelle
Our oldest child is a recent graduate from INCA. We are very pleased with the high scores he achieved on the SAT and ACT tests. The seven years of hard work with a challenging curriculum have paid off—he is in a good position to be directly admitted into the school of his choice, instead of being admitted into the general freshman class of college. INCA has also added dual credit classes to further enhance the high school program. Our son’s transition to college seems to be right on track with the INCA classes we have completed.
I appreciate that the teachers and support staff at INCA are quick to respond to concerns. On a daily basis, we can WebMail, use real-time online sessions, or call the teachers for help or guidance when needed. Even high achieving kids need contact with a teacher to explain challenging topics in each course, and that is just what we have received at INCA. My children have had wonderful teachers who go the extra mile to give one-on-one help.
INCA has worked out for us because it is a school where both the parents and the teachers must be committed to nurturing the student’s education. As parents, we are completely committed to helping our teenagers get the very best education, and we have found a school of teachers who reciprocate our commitment.”