“For my 11th grade year I was homeschooled with a homemade 11th grade curriculum that was kind of all over the place. I liked that Connections Academy had teachers to work with and a schedule to work by. I also like that you can go at your own pace in your lessons if you are a slow learner.

Previously I attended a traditional public school where K–12 classes were in the same building and in total there were about five hundred students. My grades weren’t as good as they are this year. I was a B or C student, and now I am an A or B student. Connections Academy is different because you get the teachers’ full attention whenever you need it and the lessons are a lot easier to follow.

What I like most about Connections Academy is that it fits in easily with my schedule and I can take my classes and do my work anywhere, especially at home with my family and kitties.

— Holli

I had a fairly close relationship with my teachers because I started about one or two months late, so in the beginning I needed a lot of help. They were there every step of the way helping me. Biology, English, and psychology are my favorite subjects. This is because in my biology LiveLesson sessions, my teacher is always making me laugh. I just love English in general because I love to read and write, and psychology has always fascinated me. I have only attended one school event so far, Fall Festival, and even though it was a three-hour drive, the hour I spent there was super fun! 

My goal for after graduation is to be an actor and/or art therapist. Connections Academy has helped me by offering classes my old school didn’t and has taught me how to better manage my time. I also love to draw, sing, and watch anime. At the library near where I live there is an anime club and a teen club that I go to a couple times a month, and it is a lot of fun. It is easy to schedule around my lessons because I have lots of time to do my lessons.”

Holli reading a book