Headshot of Erin Koger

Erin Koger

Social Studies, Geography, and History Teacher

Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Social Sciences, Averett University

Erin Koger started teaching in 2011 and joined Virginia Connections Academy in 2022. She teaches social studies, geography, and history to students in grades 8–10. 

Why I Decided to Become a Teacher

I became a teacher to help students. I was lucky enough to have fabulous history teachers throughout my childhood, and they inspired me to learn more about the subject. I developed a passion for history, and want to share those stories with my students. 

Fostering student engagement and encouraging interaction among students is a priority, and I enjoy face-to-face LiveLesson® sessions with them. I try to have open communication with my students and to create a positive environment—those are important and enhance interactions.

The Online School Program Experience at Virginia Connections Academy

Students who are being educated online deserve all the support and attention traditional students receive—and they get that here. It’s important to help every student achieve their educational goals.  

I enjoyed touring our local tech and career center with my sophomore students and mentoring them on the programs offered. Students began to think about their career path, and I enjoy talking with them about their career options and real-world experiences. 

Education is the key to success. Being responsible, on time, organized, and a hard worker are qualities employers look for, and this school helps students develop them. At Virginia Connections Academy, we help prepare students for the next steps in their education and career path.

“The teachers, administrators, counselors, and the entire staff here work tirelessly to make sure every student is successful.”

— Ms. Koger

My Personal Interests

I love being outdoors. When I’m not working, I like to camp, hike, kayak, and trail ride. I also have two dogs that come along with me.