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Dr. Brandy Wicker

School Counselor

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Hampton University; Master of Arts in Counseling, Hampton University; Education Specialist in Educational Leadership, Regent University; Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership, Nova Southeastern University

Dr. Brandy Wicker joined Virginia Connections Academy in 2022, where she is a student counselor. Her favorite part of the job is “connecting with students and families through field trips, testing, counseling sessions, and informal Google Meets and phone calls.”

Why She Became an Educator

According to Dr. Wicker, “My mom was an educator, and she was the best to ever do it. I remember watching her be so much more than an educator to her students and their families — she was a resource, a family member, a trusted person. She transformed lives. I watched the impact she had on generations for over 20 years and knew that I, too, wanted to change the world like her.”

The Online School Program Experience at Virginia Connections Academy

“Online school programs offer more flexibility and truly stresses the importance of the school-parent-student relationship,” reports Dr. Wicker. “In this setting, I’ve had more opportunities to connect with whole families to discuss student success.

“I’ve never worked with a school community as welcoming, flexible, and resourceful as this one. Staff members are always willing to help, share useful resources and strategies, and create a learning environment that is welcoming to all students.”

Preparing Students for the Future

Dr. Wicker believes that Virginia Connections Academy “prepares [students to be] lifelong learners and well-rounded, global citizens by offering diverse courses, an extensive list of clubs and activities, and connecting students and teachers through field trips. Our curriculum encourages critical thinking and problem solving while teaching students the importance of self-advocacy.”

“The students [at this school] are amazing. They bring such a diversity to each day. . . . They are bright, talented, and a peek into our future!” 

— Dr. Wicker