Dana Holloman

Dana Holloman

High School Teacher

Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Marketing, East Tennessee State University; Master of Arts Degree in Teaching, East Tennessee State University; Education Specialist Degree in Education Leadership, Arkansas State University

Dana Holloman started teaching in 2009 and joined Tennessee Connections Academy in 2019. She teaches economics to students in grades 9–12, “Senior Success” to twelfth graders, and is a senior graduation coach.

Why I Became a Teacher

I was having a reasonably successful career in sales and marketing, when I realized I have more to give back to my community. I’ve always enjoyed education and learning, so I went back to school to get my master of arts degree in teaching and began my second career as a teacher.

I absolutely love talking with students and their families. Getting to know them, helping them navigate through high school, and planning for beyond that is incredibly rewarding. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed taking students on college tours. It’s wonderful to see the possibilities through their eyes.

The Online School Experience at Tennessee Connections Academy

I love the opportunities I have in class to make economics relevant to students. There are so many connections between what they learn in class and their own lives, and it’s magic to see them realize they understand the world around them better.

One of my favorite ways to foster student interaction is to have them complete some get-to-know-you activities before class begins. They get to see how much they have in common with their online classmates. An education at this school helps prepare students for a successful future by encouraging them to develop responsible habits as at-home students. 

Message for Families Considering Online School

If you want your student to have the opportunity to work one-on-one with teachers who will really understand what they’re learning, this is a great place for them. Our teachers have time built into their schedule to provide one-on-one and small group help.

I celebrate every kid that graduates, gets admitted to college, or is awarded a scholarship as though it’s a personal victory

— Ms. Holloman