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Timothee Koerper

Elementary School Teacher

Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics, Fresno State University of California

Timothee Koerper began her teaching career in 2013 and joined Oklahoma Connections Academy in 2020 as a 4th grade elementary school teacher. She has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics as well as teaching certificates in Early Childhood Education, Mathematics, and English Learners (ELL). Learn more about Ms. Koerper below:

Why I Became a Teacher

I have always been drawn to teaching, tutoring, and helping others. I had a professor in college that made a difficult subject very clear and accessible to everyone—that’s when I knew I wanted to do the same for others.

There are many things that I love about being a teacher at Oklahoma Connections Academy, but one of my favorites is being able to work with and get to know students on an individual basis.

The Online School Experience at Oklahoma Connections Academy

Our school community is special because we all come from such diverse backgrounds and we bring with us various experiences. With those differences, we all grow and learn from each other.

Along with providing a great curriculum and teacher support, Oklahoma Connections Academy also helps students develop time management skills and experience using technology and taking initiative in their own education. These skills help prepare students for a bright future. One of the benefits of teaching virtually is that I get the chance to get to know every student as well as their family. In doing that, we can work together making sure the students' needs are being met.

There are many things that I love about being a teacher at Oklahoma Connections Academy, but one of my favorites is being able to work with and get to know students on an individual basis.

— Ms. Koerper

Message for Families Considering Online School

There is a transition period when coming from a brick-and-mortar school setting to an online school, but it’s well worth it in the end. Work closely with your teacher and ask questions when you’re unsure of something. We’re happy to help!

Hobbies and Interests

Some of my favorite activities are horseback riding, yoga, and spending time with my family and pets.